Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Art Journal!

I've been wanting to do more art journaling.  I've been using my handy dandy sketchbook more but today I cracked open the journal - it's kind of a parchment-y paper that would probably be okay for ink.  It wrinkles a little with watercolor though.  I may go back to regular watercolor paper.

Anyway, last week I took a bunch of stuff to the county fair.  My two paintings got a 2nd and 3rd place (talked about that last week if you missed it) in the professional category.  But what was super cool was that my dried Cayenne peppers got a Best in Show in the Miscellaneous/Honey Canning category.  So I thought I'd journal that.

I also really need to practice drawing from life more, so this was an exercise in that too.  So, more journal pages to come, for sure.

Also, I'll be starting on a painting to donate to White County Animal Shelter for their fund raising at Liberty Square festival.  Pretty excited about that, stay tuned. :)