The photo below is the one that gave me the idea to paint my friends' Facebook photos for the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge. My friend Chris posted the photo, which her son Mathias (age ten) took while they were out hunting Pokemon (Team Valor!!). I was really impressed with his eye for framing the photograph and I instantly adored all the linear perspective, which I haven't played with in YEARS. Looked like the perfect time to play with some "urban sketching" style painting.
I did the sky in watercolor because I was pretty sure I couldn't lift out Inktense the way I needed to, in order to get the crepuscular rays. And I fell in love with my Daniel Smith watercolors all over again and decided I need more of those (maaaaan....). I penciled the rest of it with my handy dandy vanishing point ruler, then inked it with Micron pens, then filled the rest of it in with Inktense blocks & pencils. Yes, it's a lot more color than in the original, but I think I like that about it.
The really infuriating thing is that the masking fluid I put on the tops of the buildings and the brightest parts of the clouds pulled up and tore the cheap watercolor paper -- it's 140# but it's Hobby Lobby's Master's Touch brand, BLAH, it's going into the circular file and I am GETTING MYSELF SOME GOOD WATERCOLOR PAPER, help need recommendations! I really dig the 6 x 6 size for daily painting, you can say a lot in that little space but it doesn't take an age.
So this is Legacy Village in Lyndhurst, Ohio, one town over from where I grew up. This is what shopping malls turned into in the US, these little shopping towns. Legacy Village was new when I left greater Cleveland ten years ago. I got a tiny bit homesick painting this.
Mathias, thanks for the awesome picture and the good memories painting it brought up. Keep taking pictures, you have a good eye!
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